Dear HCN Church Family,
We look back at the week and we can thank God for His continued presence, faithfulness, and protection over our people. His constant provision, His constant protection, and His constant presence is the outflow of His consistent love that never fails nor grows weary. Listen to what the Bible says through the prophet Isaiah.
Isaiah 40:28-31
“Have you not known? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary; his understanding is unsearchable. He gives power to the faint, and strengthens the powerless. Even youths will faint and be weary, and the young will fall exhausted; but those who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles,
they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.”
We may grow tired, we may grow discouraged, we may faint, but we can always know and always trust in a God who never will.
As we head into this weekend, there’s a lot going on in the life of the church we need to let everyone know about, especially in the month of March!
This Weekend
Friday – March 19th – Today
Women’s Movie Night at Church – TONIGHT at 7:00 pm
Women, come to church this evening for a fun evening of fellowship and to watch the movie “War Room”. It will be shown in the sanctuary beginning at7:00 pm. Snacks and drinks will be served. We hope you can make plans to come.
Saturday – March 20th
Men’s Monthly Breakfast at Church – Tomorrow (Saturday) 8:30 am
Men, come join us tomorrow morning at 8:30 am for our monthly Men’s Breakfast. Bring $5 per man to cover the cost of the food. Join us for a great time of fellowship and of iron sharpening iron.
Sunday – March 21st
Senior Adult Luncheon w/Pastoral Staff – This Sunday after worship
If you are an adult 55 or older, we invite you to join us for a luncheon with the pastoral team. We want to have a chance to connect with you more, learn more about how we can partner with you and seek ideas for Senior Adult Ministries. You just have to bring yourselves.
This Sunday Evening – Open Church Board Meeting – 5:00 pm
This Sunday Evening, March 21st, we are inviting anyone who’d like to come and observe our monthly Church Board Meeting. We will meet in the Sanctuary at 5:00 pm for our board meeting. This is a great way to see how the church board operates and to be updated on what’s going on related to the business of the church.
We are in need of more volunteers to help in the nursery and children’s Sunday School areas. We have put together a sign up sheet with a rotation of times and Sundays where people would be asked to serve only once a month in either the nursery or as a helper in the elementery and pre-school classes. This sign up sheet will be available at the Welcome Center on Sunday. Please prayerfully consider partnering with us in this as our children are more than worth the investment of time.
Next Month at HCN
All Church Game Night – Friday March 4th
The church will be open for anyone who would like to come on Friday evening March 4th at 7:00 pm for All church family Game Night, for board games and card games.
District Event – Improve Your Serve – Saturday March 5th
Each year our district holds an event called Improve Your Serve designed to equip those in our local church for ministry and service. The day includes sessions with speakers, a lunch, and many different workshops related to specific areas of ministry. We will have the registration forms with all of the information and details at the Welcome Center this Sunday, available for anyone who’d be interested. If you are a ministry leader or volunteer in a ministry area, we encourage you to consider being a part of this.
March Begins our Sunday School Prayer Group – Starts March 6th
As I mentioned last Sunday morning, we will be forming a Sunday School hour Prayer Group that will meet in Room 113 from 9:00 am – 10:00 am every Sunday morning. The purpose of this group will be to come together, to share prayer needs, and to pray for the church, the weekly prayer list, the worship service, the pastor and the staff. If you are interested in being a part of this intentional prayer team, it will begin on Sunday March 6th.
Emmaus Ministry Team – Sunday March 6th
We will be sending down our monthly outreach team to minister and feed the homeless in Nashville on Sunday March 6th. If you are interested in going, please see Jennifer Lester. The team will leave from the church at4:30 pm that day.
All Church Elections – Sunday March 20th
If you are a member of the church and are 15 years old or older, please make plans to participate in our annual All Church Elections at the end of the service on Sunday, March 20th. This will be the elections where we vote for church board members, church officers, and for delegates to our Annual District Assembly.
Easter Week at HCN – March 19th – March 27th
-Community Easter Egg Hunt – Saturday March 19th
-Good Friday Service – Friday March 25th
-Easter Celebration Service – Sunday March 27th
Baptisms on Easter Sunday
If you or anyone you know would be interested in being baptized, we will be having baptisms on Easter Sunday if there are anyone that would be ready. If you are interested in being baptized, please contact me or the church office so that we can arrange a consultation meeting with me.
I hope everyone has a great weekend and has a chance to enjoy this nicer weather. May God’s presence be with you each and every moment. I can’t wait to see everyone on Sunday morning as we worship the Lord together!!!
In Christ’s Love,