Yes, it’s Thursday and I’m writing my “Friday” Focus :). Since I’ve changed my off days to Fridays, I will be writing them on Thursdays, but I can’t change the name because it has stuck, well at least in my brain it has. Last night at church was a fun and very exciting time. As many of you know we have started connect groups with our teens on Wednesday afternoons from 4:30 – 5:15 pm. This has been a great way for us to connect with the teens while many of them are just now hearing about Jesus for the first time in their lives. Many of them do not come from church backgrounds and our team of adult volunteers are sharing the gospel each week at the very basic levels. In many ways this is a refreshing opportunity for this Pastor who normally teaches Christians. I want to commend Pastor Micah for his vision to organize the Wednesday afternoons and evenings for an intentional, fun, and life changing ministry experience for our teens and church. I know God is at work! He is on the move!!!
Jesus tells Nicodemus in John 3:17-18 – “Indeed, God did not send the Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him. 18. Those who believe in him are not condemned; but those who do not believe are condemned already, because they have not believed in the name of the only Son of God.”
Some of the teens are being introduced to who Jesus is and to the gospel message. I can see some seeds being planted in their minds and hearts and I look forward to seeing how God works among them working to redeem the lost. Would you commit to praying with us for the lost in our community and that God continues to allow us to be the salt and light.
Here’s an overview of what’s coming up!
This Weekend
03/10 – Tonight – Thursday – 6:30 pm – Our Youth Fundraiser Fashion Show w/Premier Jewelry. We invite everyone who can to come and support the teens.
03/12 – Saturday Morning – Wall Finishing Project – Billy Meikrantz has donated some labor and manpower this week to the church by cutting and preparing pallet wood planks for the staff office lobby wall. This Saturday morning at 8:00 am he will be delivering them to the church for us to sand, stain, and put up on that wall. We want to turn this area into a study lounge as it is a great place for small group studies, homework, and reading with the glass walls and ambiance. We just need to finish the unfinished wall. I’m asking anyone who would be able and free to come join me this Saturday morning and help me finish this project.
03/13 – This Sunday New Comers Lunch – Following the worship service this Sunday we will be holding a new comers luncheon for all new families that have been with us for 6 months or less. We are very excited to have 8 or 9 new families planning to attend. If you are interested in coming please contact Caitlin Porter at the church office before Sunday.
The Next Few Weeks
– Saturday – 03/19 – Monthly Men’s Breakfast – 8:30 am
– Saturday – 03/19 – Church Wide Easter Egg Hunt – 2:00 pm
– Sunday – 03/20 – All Church Elections – During Morning Worship
– Sunday – 03/20 – Board Meeting – 5:00 pm
– Friday – 03/25 – Good Friday Service – 6:30 pm
– Sunday – 03/27 – Easter Sunday Worship
Important Upcoming Event
Children’s Wing Work Day – Saturday April 2nd – 8:30 am
We are planning to have an all church work day to give much needed attention to the finishing touches of our children’s wing involving decorations, minor fix up projects, cleaning and organizing the space in our kids cove. Let us show our support and that our kids cove is a priority for us to make as fun, as safe, and as welcoming for all of our children and children’s workers.
Fifth Sundays at HCN Moving Forward
I’m excited to share with you what our Fifth Sundays will be like at HCN moving forward. Fifth Sundays happen on average once every quarter. We want to make those special Sundays. In morning worship our service will be focused on the involvement of our youth and children. On each fifth Sunday evening we will have what we call a classical worship service featuring traditional hymns of the faith with a sermon as well.
Connect Cards to Help Organize Life Groups – Starting in April we will be actively planning on organizing new life groups. If you are interested in being a part of a life group, please fill out a connect card on a Sunday morning to let us know if you are interested in joining, leading, or hosting a life group.
Sunday Morning Prayer Team – Starts March 20th 9:00 am
I want to remind everyone that beginning on Palm Sunday we will start our prayer team which will meet every Sunday morning between 9:00 – 10:00 am in Room 113. The purpose will be to pray for our church, our community, our leadership, the needs of our congregation, and our worship service. If you are not currently involved in a Sunday School class and have a passion for prayer, we encourage you to consider being a part of this.
I’m excited to be with everyone this Sunday morning as we gather for worship to explore God’s Word together heading closer to Easter. As we journey through the season of Lent preparing for Easter Week – this Sunday we will be exploring John 12:1-8 during our message time. I hope everyone will be able to join us!!!
I hope everyone has a great weekend! You are loved and prayed for.
In Christ’s Love,