Dear HCN Family,
I was reading through Galatians this week and in Galatians chapter 1 Paul gives us Christians a bold reminder. That reminder is that there is only ONE Gospel. There really is no other gospel! He writes in Galatians 1:6-7 – I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel. Not that there is a different gospel, but there are some who are confusing you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ.
Our world wants to believe there are many gospels and many ways to God.
But, later in Galatians 1:10 – Paul writes: Am I now seeking human approval, or God’s approval? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still pleasing people, I would not be a servant of Christ.
In John 14:6, Jesus says I am THE way, the truth, and the life. Jesus doesn’t say, He is A way. He says, He is THE way. But do our lives and the way we live really match that passionate boldness or do we find ourselves attempting to appease men by compromising even if it’s in subtle ways? How easy it is to fall into an appeasing mindset to not be bold in the truth we hold our lives to?
Heidi Armstrong writes: “One prevailing threat to congregational vitality today is not so much a blatantly anti-God atheism as it is a passionless apathy-ism. The gospel of Jesus Christ often operates less as the radical and motivating center in the lives of believers, and more like a hobby to dabble in on the side at their convenience.”
Are we passionate about the gospel of Christ and the mission of God? Do we see our Christianity as the core and driving force for all that we do and are or is being a Christian something we do on the side when it’s convenient? Do we sub-consciously appease false gospels by remaining silent, or worse, do we find ourselves apathetic with our level of passion and commitment to Jesus?
I hope these words I share can be a challenge for all of us! As we head into the summer months, it is the time where many Christians across the United States tend to drift in their faith or their commitment to Christ and the church because life in the world is too fun and too inviting. Let that NOT BE HCN!!! Let us hold fast to the truth of the Gospel and the mission God has for us as His church in Hendersonville community through out this summer!
Summer in the Psalms
I’m excited to let you know that we will be spending the months of June and July walking through the Psalms during the message time each Sunday morning. EachSunday, I will be sharing a different message from the Psalms that speaks to us in different ways. I’m looking forward to this series as we dive into God’s Word together on Sunday mornings! This Sunday we begin with exploring the truths from Psalm 96.
Nashville Sounds Faith Night – Sunday June 26th
We are trying to organize a group to go to the Sounds game on Sunday eveningJune 26th. It is the only Trevecca Faith Night of the season. The tickets are $16 and will include the game, the concert, and a hotdog and drink. If you would like to go with our HCN group, we have to order and purchase the tickets as a group by THIS SUNDAY June 5th. So, please bring your ticket money to the Welcome Center and sign up this Sunday as we will be ordering them on Sundayafternoon. For us to buy you a ticket, you must pay for it this Sunday. We hope you can make plans to join us.
June Board Meeting – June 26th
Our Church board meeting will be held on Sunday June 26th at 1:00 pm to allow any board members to attend the Sounds Game that evening.
VBS Preparations
A couple weeks ago we had a great turn out for our VBS planning luncheon with over 50 in attendance. We have organized into several different teams, including the drama team, snack team, decorating team, group leaders, sports and games, and more. As we prepare for our VBS coming in July, we are excited as we begin the work. If you are interested in helping with VBS in any way but were unable to attend the luncheon, please contact my wife Melanie Harris and she will be glad to put you in touch with the team leader of the area you are interested in.
Walton Ferry Elementary Summer Food Drive
In Christ’s Love,
Pastor Duane