Dear HCN Family,
Reflecting on Easter Sunday brings a smile to my heart! When the family of God comes together like it does on Easter Sunday, to celebrate the center of our lives in the Resurrection, there is nothing like it! What a great way to celebrate the new life we have in Christ through worship, His Word, and through baptisms we were able to share in. I want especially, to thank all of those who faithfully attend each Sunday. I want to thank all of those who faithfully serve each Sunday. I want to celebrate all of you who helped us prepare for Easter Sunday in so many ways. Many visitors came on Easter, many family members of our congregation came, but your faithfulness and your willingness to give of yourselves each and every week is what God’s Kingdom will celebrates. Thank you! You are cherished and honored and blessed in my heart but most importantly in the heart of God!
Food Pantry Ministry News!!!
I’m excited to announce that Chrisi Brown will be leading our Food Pantry Ministry moving forward. She brings a lot of great experience, ideas, and passion to this ministry and we are excited to see what the Lord will accomplish through her leadership in this important way we can feed the hungry and meet the needs of those in our community. Let us pray for Christi as she takes on this new ministry role at HCN and let us be ready to be an active part in what God wants to do through our food pantry!
Teen Camp Fundraisers
As we just participated in a Silent Auction to help support our children to go to summer church camp, we now have an opportunity to help support our teenagers. As of right now we have 50 high school teenagers from our youth congregation going to church camp. That shatters previous year’s numbers and that is just senior high camp, not including junior high camp numbers. The number for junior high camp is still not totaled. Needless to say, this is an amazing testament to the growth and momentum that Christ is breathing into our teens. So let us rally around them as well. Unlike our children, many of these teens come from un-churched homes and un-churched backgrounds. For many of them, we are their church and this will be their first experience of church camp. Here are some very easy but important ways for us to support our teens to go to church camp this summer.
Our Place Cafe
April 27th 4:00 p.m. – close
They will donate 10% of all their proceeds to our Teen Church Camp!
Worship night at HCN!
Sunday April 30th. We will take up a Love offering in the middle of the evening
May 2nd from 4:00 – close
They will be give 5% of their profit to the teen church camp funds
Coming Up with Men’s and Women’s Ministries
Saturday May 13th – Women’s Spring Brunch at 10:00 am at HCN
Friday – Sunday May 19th – 21st – Men’s Retreat – Franklin KY
Sign up and get more information on our Website.
HCN Summer Fest – Sunday June 11th
Mark your calendars and make plans to be a part of our first Annual Summer Fest at HCN! On this day we will be celebrating summer outdoors with no Sunday School and an 11:00 am All church outdoor worship service. Following the service we will have an all church grill out picnic, games, activities, inflatables, and attractions. Make plans now to invite your family, friends, and neighbors!
This Sunday Worship!
I look forward to coming back together this Sunday as we continue to celebrate the risen Lord and the joy and hope we can live in because HE LIVES!!! As we come together to worship, let us come with a renewed sense of love and light because we are alive in Christ.
May the Lord bless you and keep you throughout this weekend!!!
In Christ’s Love,
Pastor Duane