Dear HCN Family,
Psalm 100 – ” MAKE a joyful noise to the LORD, all the earth. Worship the LORD with gladness; come into his presence with singing. Know that the LORD is God.
It is he that made us, and we are his; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise.
Give thanks to him, bless his name. For the LORD is good; his steadfast love endures forever, and his faithfulness to all generations.”
Oh that we may come to church on Sunday singing and praying this Psalm in our hearts and minds! May we never take for granted the wonderful privilege and opportunity we have each week to gather with God’s people and to encounter the all mighty living God in worship! Have we lost our passion and gratitude? I hope not! I think not! But if any of us have, may the Lord renew our joy, our passion, and our minds to remember we are HIS people who HE has given HIS ALL for! Who are we to not thank Him every day with our very lives for His steadfast love and His faithfulness to all generations!!! If we hold our salvation dear, if we bear the name of Jesus, if we love God, how could we NOT serve Him, love Him, and love being with HIS people? May all of us prepare our hearts for the privilege of Sunday worship this weekend!!!
This Weekend!!! (Here’s What’s Happening)
All Church Game Night Tonight – is Cancelled
Due to some scheduling conflicts that has happened over the last couple of days we have decided to cancel all church game night for this evening. We will plan to start it up next month.
Winter Jam – Today (Our Teens)
We have 30 of our teens meeting at the church today at 3:30 pm to leave for the annual Christian Worship concert, called Winter Jam this evening. Let’s pray for their safety. Pastor Micah is still in need of help with transportation if anyone is available to help him. Please feel free to contact him.
Harry Potter’s Memorial Service – Tomorrow (Saturday)
We will be holding a memorial service at the church in the sanctuary for Harry Potter tomorrow morning at 10:00 am at the church. The family has invited the entire church congregation to attend and to join them as we honor and celebrate Harry’s life! We hope you can make plans to attend.
This Sunday – Pastor Christy’s Farewell Luncheon
This Sunday will be a special Sunday as we will be honoring and celebrating Pastor Christy and her ministry at HCN with an all church potluck luncheon following the worship service. There will also be a table set up in the sanctuary for cards, gifts, and any other expressions of appreciation for them. While we eat lunch, we will be watching a slide show of Pastor Christy and our children throughout the years. We also look forward to our children serving as our ushers on Sunday as well. We hope you will make plans to join us!
Important Upcoming Events
Wednesday Feb. 10th – Ash Wednesday Service 6:30 pm
Next Wednesday we want to invite everyone to join us in our annual AshWednesday service. This service is a special gathering where we mark the beginning of the Lent season. As Christians, we observe a 40 day season leading up to Good Friday. Our Ash Wednesday service helps us to remember our mortality and our utter dependence upon God for eternal life. If you’ve never been a part of an Ash Wednesday service, we encourage you to come and learn how this can deepen your walk with Christ as we journey together towards the cross on Good Friday.
Next Sunday Feb. 14th (VISION SUNDAY)
Make plans to attend VISION SUNDAY on Feb. 14th. This worship service will be a very important event for our church! I will be sharing the state of the church address but more so, sharing with you the vision God has laid on our hearts for 2016. We will be sharing information, providing everyone with info packets, showing everyone how they can be a part of the mission God has for us moving forward. You will get to meet
our leadership, and much more!!! DON’T MISS IT!!!
Sunday Feb. 14th (Parents Meeting for Children’s Ministries)
We invite all parents of children to stay after the service on Sunday Feb. 14th for a very important children’s ministry meeting led by our Children’s Ministry Leadership team. Important information will be shared about the plans for our children’s ministry moving forward.
Sunday Feb. 21st – Senior Adult Ministry Luncheon
If you are 55 years old or older, you are invited to stay for a luncheon with the pastoral staff following the worship service on Feb. 21st. We want to hear from you and share ideas together about the vision and plans for our Senior Adult Ministries. Everything will be provided.
Sunday Feb. 21st – Open Church Board Meeting
We are opening up our church board meeting for everyone in the congregation to come and observe. We will be holding our board meeting in the sanctuary. It will begin at 5:00 pm. You are invited to attend.
May the Lord bless you and keep you! May He shine His face upon you, and may the God of peace surround you this day with His steadfast love that endures forever!!!
Have a great weekend!
In Christ’s Love,
Pastor Duane