Dear HCN Family,
There are weeks where I witness the Body of Christ in action through love and compassion. This was one of those weeks. On behalf of the family, we want to express our thanks and appreciation for those who came, supported Wilma and the family, and prepared the meal for the family on Tuesday. It was a great thing to see our church family come together for both Harry Potter’s memorial and now for Delton Denton’s funeral. I am most proud of how our people respond when some of us are hurting. Thank you! Please never change that about you! May we always be willing to respond and to help one another through prayer, support, encouragement, and most of all just being there for each other. It’s what the Body of Christ is for and I am proud to have witnessed our church being that to the Potters and the Dentons over the past few weeks.
Here’s some information we want to make sure you are aware of.
Children’s Ministry Volunteers Needed
As we mentioned on Sunday, we have sign up sheets at the Welcome Center for children’s ministry volunteers. We have time slots for once a week, once a month, once a quarter, and even once a year to work with any of our age groups. Please prayerfully consider serving in one of these areas and please contact Melanie Harris our Children’s Director for any questions.
Life Group Leader Training with the Pastor
Life Groups or Small Groups is a ministry passion of mine as your pastor. We believe Life groups provide us with an opportunity for a deeper experience in discipleship, accountability, outreach, and to build stronger relationships with each other. Our Life Groups ministry is in transition at the present time since a couple of our Life Groups have dis-banded. We have several families now looking to join another Life Group. We also have several new families who are interested in being a part of a Life Group as well. Now, we are in the process of training and equipping new Life Group Leaders to form new groups over the next couple of months. If you are interested in being a part of a Life Group by leading one, hosting one, or helping to start one, please contact me directly and let me know. If you have any questions, please ask. Over the next couple of weeks, we will be looking and ways and opportunities we can re-launch new Life Groups.
New Family Member Lunch – Sunday March 13th
If you’ve been a part of our church family for less than 6 months, we want to invite you to our new family member lunch after church on Sunday March 13th. Please make plans to join us for a great time of fellowship as we the pastoral staff want to have an opportunity to get to know you more and connect with you and your family!!!
Church Wide Easter Egg Hunt – Saturday March 19th – 2:00 pm
Make plans to bring the family and the kids to our annual Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday March 19th at 2:00 pm. There will be games, snacks, crafts, a photo booth, the Easter Bunny, and ofcourse Easter Eggs for days!!!
New Prayer Group – Sunday School Hour
I want to let everyone know that beginning on March 20th we will have finished our Articles of Faith class and begin our prayer team meeting from9:00 – 10:00 am on Sunday mornings in Room 113. This will be open to anyone who’d like to come and spend some intentional time in prayer for our church, our worship service, and other prayer needs within our congregation and community each week during the Sunday School hour.
This Sunday Worship
I look forward to a great day of worship on Sunday. This Sunday during our message time we continue to walk through Luke 6 as we focus on the teachings of Jesus for our lives and our relationships with others. I hope you don’t miss it!!!
I hope everyone has a great weekend!!! See you on Sunday!
In Christ’s Love,